Our Achievements
Watershed Projects

The Watershed Project aimed at promoting rural development in rural areas of South India by giving the beneficiaries the means to create or develop a stable and sustainable economic activity based on the respect of environment, while respecting their traditions and dignity.
It was divided in three main aspects, in a logic of integrated development: hydraulic infrastructures rehabilitation and Resource Management / Water Management trainings, SHG creation and monitoring and Education.
The program implementation was very successful in 2015. Indeed, at least 8 000 persons (farmers and their families) indirectly benefited from the program.
Nearly 4 300 beneficiaries were directly involved in the agricultural projects, amounting for a total of:
- 8 tanks rehabilitated
- 49 wells deepened
- 59 training sessions were attended by 1657 farmers
- 120 Self Help Groups (SHG) created in 2015 and 220 SHG strengthened through regular follow-ups from the grass-roots NGOs SEVAI and GRAMIUM. Thus, the 2 640 women involved in the SHG program managed to subscribe bank loans for a total of 43 347 400 INR.
The results of the program have been positively impacted by the abundant monsoon and therefore increased the impact of the project. The farmers’ incomes have increased significantly, thanks to the good climate conditions, the watershed infrastructures rehabilitation and the various training sessions they attended. A focus was made on natural resources preservation, water management and reforestation, in the aim of encouraging sustainable agricultural practices for a long term impact.
By providing rural populations opportunities to improve their livelihood, the program helps the population to preserve their local traditions and avoid rural exodus.
Goat Farming Program

The Goat Farming Training project aimed at encouraging rural development through the active participation of the women in the tribal village of Thottiapatty. By encouraging women empowerment, this project contributed to enable the population to live from agricultural activities and avoid rural exodus in the area.
The experimental farm allowed the beneficiaries to acquire skills and knowledge for them to improve livestock farming by regular trainings and thus increase their incomes thanks to advantageous goat selling.
- Each beneficiary of the project was entrusted with 1 goat. Within 1 year, 1 goat gives birth to 4 baby goats. Women benefiting from the project earn around 12,000 INR for the selling of 3 to 4 baby goats on the first year and they will be able to earn up-to 3,000 INR per month within 3 years. Overall, their income increases of 60% from an average of 20,000 INR per year to 32,000 INR after one year;
- 48 women from 4 SHGs were trained to goat farming activity;
- 1 shed was constructed to keep the goats and rams;
- 48 goats and 2 rams were purchased for the beneficiaries;
- 158 young goats were born after only one year of the project.